Zgodbe iz karantene #21

Vsi smo v karanteni, le Činč na počitnicah:) Hm, le pri komu?:)
My life in quarantine is a very busy one.  I’m very curious and I enjoy attending any type of construction efforts I have, whether its reinforcing an existing project or creating a new jumping site.  I enjoy portable bridges and lifts provided by John’s hand; sometimes his arm, shoulder and back.  When there are predators near, I will set of the alarm of squeaks to let my pack know the be careful (this happens sometimes in the morning or when John’s mother-in-law hits the right pitch on phone calls with his wife).  My favorite pastime (activity) is to nibble on anything I can sink my teeth in.  For me, this is for anything from exploration to showing affection.  When I’m really happy and in a great mood, I will hop/jump straight up and then run quickly full of excitement.  And as a Montessori chinchilla, you can sometimes see me going around cleaning up my little presents.  I never will disappoint you and provide you with a large collection of these.  One of my favorite treats or snacks is dried parsley.  I’m a deep thinker and sometimes will zone out for long periods of 10 seconds or even more.  You need to be careful not to change my surroundings too much during this time because when I return, I can get very frightened. I’m having a very good vacation quarantine. But I miss my fellows from kindergarten too! :)Your Činč 🙂

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